Member 2 Member Newsletter

Source: The Editorial Committee

For Members. From Members. About Members.

Welcome to our first edition!

GNFCC is not just any old Chamber. It's a Chamberhood.

Many GNFCC members joined the Chamber for all the usual reasons: wanting to network, to build their business, to be more connected to the local business community, for professional development opportunities, etc. What keeps many of our members renewing year after year, though, is the camaraderie and friendship which exists within our membership and the connections which go beyond business. These personal connections manifest themselves in surprise birthday celebrations, college team jersey days at Pro Alliance, good natured humor, and palpable concern when our members suffer illness or loss of a loved one.

This newsletter is one element of a new communications initiative intended to further share this Chamberhood feeling not just with each other but with potential new members as well. In the spirit of this member fellowship, this publication is compiled, written, edited, and distributed by a Editorial Committee comprised of your fellow members. While GNFCC staff supports this initiative, this publication is not generated by staff, but represents members genuinely celebrating members.

Read the entire newsletter HERE.